虽然Bt抗虫棉在我国得到迅速推广 ,但人们对其发展有不同的看法。本文旨在分 析Bt抗虫棉在大田上的种植对棉农农药施用的影响。通过对主要棉花生产省份连续三 年 ( 1 999~ 2 0 0 1年 ) 1 0 55个农户棉花生产情况数据的调查分析后得出结论 ,种植Bt抗虫 棉比种植非Bt棉每公顷平均减少农药施用 35公斤 ,并由此推算出 1 997~ 2 0 0 1年由于抗 虫棉推广使全国棉花生产的农药施用量减少了近 1 5万吨以上。
With rapid adoption of Bt cotton in China, the debate on its impacts has been growing. The objective of this study is to analyze the impacts of Bt cotton on pesticides uses. Based on a unique data set of 1055 cotton farms that planted Bt and non-Bt cotton in 1999~2001, this study shows that Bt cotton adoption in China reduced pesticide use by 35kg/ha. Total pesticide uses in cotton production were declined by 150 thousand tons in 1997~2001. Several policy implications are provided based on the findings of this study.
China Rural Survey
国家自然科学基金 (70 0 2 4 0 0 1)和InternationalServiceforNationalAgriculturalResearch的资助