本文介绍一种采用平面线圈结构的微型电磁继电器的制造工艺和理论分析。这种继电器的大小大约是 4mm× 4mm× 0 .5mm ,工艺比较简单 ,主要采用光刻、蒸镀、电镀和腐蚀牺牲层等普通的微加工技术来完成全部制作工艺。因此可以大大地降低继电器的生产成本、物理尺寸和制造的复杂性。另外 ,还进行了一些有关线圈通过激励电流后对活动电极产生电磁力的理论计算和仿真 。
This paper presents the fabrication and theoretical analysis of an electromagnetic microrelay using a planar coil. The microrelay dimension of about 4 mm×4 mm×0.5 mm is fabricated using the common micromachining technology like lithography, electroplating of nickel as well as sacrificial layer etching. So the microrelay enables drastic reductions in fabrication costs, physical size and design complexity. Theoretical calculations and simulations are also carried out with respect to the electromagnetic force yielded by the exciting electromagnetic coil. The structure and parameters concerning the electromagnetic microrelay can be optimized using the results.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (699760 11)