对红 1 7甜橙、红江橙及红江橙正常果与皱皮果、红江橙阴面果与阳面果的果皮及其细胞壁N、P、K、Ca、Mg的含量进行了分析 ,探讨这些矿质元素与柑桔成熟期皱皮果形成的关系。结果发现红 1 7甜橙皱皮果发生率较低 ,仅为 7 34 % ,而红江橙皱皮果发生率高达 2 8 0 6 % ;皱皮现象 86 %以上出现在果实的阴面果皮。果皮N、P含量与柑桔皱皮果的形成没有相关性 ,K在皱皮果中的含量比正常果高 ,而在阳面果皮比阴面果皮高 ;Mg在皱皮果和阴面果皮及其细胞壁的含量都比在正常果和阳面果皮稍低 ,但Mg的含量与皱皮果率的相关性不显著 ;Ca在正常果和阳面果皮及其细胞壁的含量都明显高于皱皮果和阴面果皮 。
The relation between mineral nutrition levels and creasing peel in mature sweet orange were studies by analysing the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium in the 'Hong yiqi' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck, cv. Hong yiqi) and 'Hong jiang' sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck, cv. Hong jiang) including normal fruits and creasing, shaded fruits and exposed halves of fruits. There was fewer creasing fruits, only 7.34%, in 'Hong yiqi' and severe creasing fruits, 28.06%, in 'Hong jiang' sweet orange. A significant difference in creasing fruit rates was observed between shaded halves of fruits and exposed halves of fruits. Major creasing peel, above 86%, occurred in shaded halves of fruits. There was not a significant correlation between N or P contents and creasing fruit rates. K contents in peel of creasing fruits exposed halves of fruits were higher than that of normal fruits and shaded halves of fruits. Mg ontents in cell wall or peel of creasing fruits and shaded halves of fruits were fewer lower than that of normal fruits and exposed halved of fruits, but there was a no significant negative correlation between Mg contents and rates of creasing fruit. Ca contents in cell wall or peel of normal fruits and exposed halves of fruits were higher than that of creasing fruit and shaded of fruits. There was a significant negative correlation between Ca contents in peel and creasing fruit rate.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
农业部"九五"重点科研计划"高新技术与基础研究"项目 ( 95农- 17- 0 1- 0 4专题 )资助
creasing fruits
cell wall
mineral nutrition