弗洛伊德主义传入中国后 ,经历了一个曲折反复过程 ,出现了两次“弗洛伊德热”。第一次发生在 2 0世纪二三十年代 ,主要在部分学术界知识分子中传播流行。从 194 9年起至 1978年 ,由于“左”的思潮影响 ,弗洛伊德主义在中国转入沉寂阶段。第二次传播热潮发生在 80年代中期以后 ,这次热潮波及广大青年学生并深入到各个学术领域的研究中 ,因此 ,其影响较之第一次更加广泛深远。弗洛伊德主义在中国传播中所出现的曲折反复 ,是与中国历史发展的特点密切相关的。弗洛伊德主义包含某些合理因素 ,具有一定积极作用 ,但其理论缺陷又带来不良的负面影响。我们对它要深入研究 ,发挥其积极作用 ,清除其消极影响。
The spreading of Freudian theory in China has been twists and turns. There has been emerging twice the Freudian fever since the theory was introduced into China. The first was in 1920s to 1930s. The prevalence of the theory was mainly in the circles of the intelligentsia. It became silent gradually when the ultra left trend of thought was prevailing. There came the second fever in the late 1980s. This time the influence of Freudian theory is deep and far, especially among the university students and in many an academic field of humanity. As the founder of psychoanalysis, S. Freud had his theory had some rational elements; yet its defects, especially his emphasis of complex, the formation of abnormal mental state, yield negative effects. The writer in this paper is to deal with the dissemination of Freudian theory in China, making an attempt on its negative influence in the hope of making good use of it to our advantage.
Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition