交叉定年技术是树轮年代学的基础 ,定年的准确性直接关系到进一步研究的可靠性。而不同气候区的树轮年代学研究具有不同的特点 ,干旱地区树轮宽度序列的平均敏感度高、缺轮率高 ,给交叉定年工作带来了一定困难。笔者结合实际工作取得的数据和大量文献详细地介绍了干旱区树轮年代学研究的特点及一些特有的研究技术 ,并对交叉定年的方法、伪轮的判定、样品量的确定等一些关键问题进行了进一步的讨论 ,为以后的工作提供参考。
Dendrochronology is one of the most accurate methods in high revolution dating research .Cross-dating in arid region has its special feature. Also tree-ring dating research in arid area has huge potential space and practical value in China. In this article , the character of cross -dating for trees in arid areas is introduced detailedly based on the author's work experience.Some key point in the process of cross-dating such as determine of false ring and size of sample are discussed in order to emphasize their importance. The methods are not only available in the arid region, but also a reference for dendrochronology research in other regions. Especially some useful skills in cross-dating process is described detailedly ,which is helpful to beginner of the field of dedrochronology work. Exchanging information on cross -dating between colleague will be beneficial for the research in this field.
Journal of Xi'an Engineering University
国家自然科学基金 (4 9874170 )
中科院黄土与第四纪国家重点实验室基金 (SKLLQG0 0 16)
国家重点基础研究基金资助项目 (G1990 43 40 0 )