通过对黄河壶口瀑布区地质遗迹的考察 ,从岩性、构造、侵蚀作用、冰川作用诸方面论证了瀑布的成因问题 ,同时对黄河壶口瀑布与晋陕峡谷的关系以及广义及狭义概念上的瀑布形成时间进行了分析。
This paper bases on the observations about geologic vestige of Hukou(pot hole) fall area which is in the yellow River. It demonstrates the cause of formation about the fall on the lithology, configuration, eroded figure and glacial action etc. and also analyses the relation between Hukou Fall and JinShan Gorge and the forming time of the falls in megoscopic and narrow sense conception.
Journal of Xi'an Engineering University