
螺旋焊管残余应力的计算 被引量:7

Calculation of Residual Stress of Spiral Welded Pipe
摘要 残余应力对螺旋焊管质量有显著影响。通过推导,得出了螺旋焊管残余应力与切口张开量的数学关系式,制管厂家通过采用控制切口张开量以达到控制焊管残余应力的作法是切实可行的,对焊管残余应力内控标准的制定有一定的参考价值。 The residual stress imposes considerable negative influence on quality of the spiral welded pipe. Based on relevant deduction, the mathematical relational expression between the spiral welded pipe residual stress and the cut opening amount is set up. It is concluded that it is practical for the pipe makers to control the said residual stress by means of controlling the cut opening amount. The paper is helpful to establishing company criteria governing spiral welded pipe residual stress.
作者 马利芳
机构地区 辽阳钢管厂
出处 《钢管》 CAS 2002年第4期28-29,共2页 Steel Pipe
关键词 螺旋焊管 残余应力 切口张开量 计算 数学关系式 控制 Spiral welded pipe Residual stress Cut opening amount Calculation Mathematical relational expression Control
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