Qidong City of Jiangsu Province is one of the endemic areas with highest hepato-cellular carcinoma incidence. A number of authors had studied the relationship betweendifferent sources of drinking water and hepatocellular carcinoma since 1972, and all thedata showed that the risk of drinking ditch water was much higher than that of well water. Potential mutagenesis and/or carcinogenesis related with water were examinedby DNA synthesis inhibition test using V_(79)cell line. N-hydroxyurea and distilled waterwere taken as positive and negative controls.The results showed that the DNA synthesiswas inhibited by well water, tap water, ditch water and N-hydroxyurea with ratesof 32. 65%,46. 85%,62. 89%,and 86. 30% respectively, and had shown a dose-responserelationship. The incidences of hepatocellular carcinoma in the population drinking fromdifferent water sources were 6. 9/10~6 (well water), 20. 8/10~6 (tap water) and 61. 10/10~6(ditch water) respectively, and were coincident with the DNA synthesis inhibitionrates. The result revealed that the above unclean water may contain potential mutagensand/or carcinogens. The principle of DNA synthesis inhibition was discussed.