Ovarian activity is the major determinant for breast cancer risk. The interview dataof 204 pre-menopausal pairs and 271 post-menopausal pairs from the population-basedcase-control study of breast cancer in Shanghai by individually matched on age andmenopausal status were analysea to investigate the different risk factors for breast cancerdiagnosed in pre--(having ovarian activity) and post-menopausal (having no ovarianactivity)women.The estimate for relative risks (OR) and their 95%confidence intervals(95% CI) were calculated by using standard matched pair methods. The conditionalLogistic regression method was used for meltivariate analysis. The results showed thatshort length of menstrual cycle(<25vs30+days:OR=3.4;95% CI: 1. 4--8. 1) andhistory of benign breast diseses (OR=5.4 195% CI: 2. 1--14.7) were risk factors forpre-menopausal women and that heavy weight and high intake of fat were risk factorsfor postmenopausal women, Although early age at first full-term pregnancy, highparity and long duration of lactation were all protective factors for both pre--and post-menopausal women, the results revealed by meltivariate analysis were that prolongedlactation had strongest protective effect for premenopausal women, among premenopau-sal women who had lactated for at least 3 years had only 50% of OR compared to womenwho had never lactated, and that high parity had most remarkable protective effect forpost-menspauoal women. The higher intake of vitamine C, as a marker of intake ofvegetables and fruits,tho lower tho relative risk. The results of this study are of impor-tance for protection of breast cancer. Prolonged lactation, high intake of vegetables andfruits, and weight control and low intake of fat in post-menopausal women willdecrease the risk for breast cancer.