以国内外文献为根据 ,以地理学一度在中国处于停滞不前、唤不起人们应有重视的冷酷现实出发 ,认为地理学是一门既古老又处于汰旧更新阶段的年青学科 ,长期以来 ,东西方意识形态的对立 ,阻碍了地理学的交流与发展 .提出了以海纳百川的气魄批判继承东西方地理学中的优秀理论观点 ,取其精华 ,兼收并蓄 ,以发展我国的地理科学 .进而以钱学森教授提出的建立大地理科学观的构想作借鉴 ,论述了建立具有中国特色的地理科学发展观和地理教育观 .
Basing on the literature references from home and on abroad and on the reality that for a very long time in China geography has been ignored,this paper holds that geography is a young and evolving discipline as well as an old subject.After deep reflection the paper insists that the conflicts which is between the Oriental and Western ideology have restricted the exchange and the development of geography.Thus,the auther absorbs the excellent theories with critics and applies them to develop the geography in China.The auther also proposes the development and education viewpoint on the geography with Chinese characteristics,within the framework of professor Qian Xuesen's Mega-geography.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition