从经典的解决噪声控制问题模型 (振源—路径—接受体 )出发 ,运用导纳模态方法 ,针对齿轮传动系统振动噪声控制问题 ,从假设的两个不同简化的理论分析模型入手 ,通过分别计算通过多维柔性接点和连接件的功率流 ,比较不同的简化模型对分析功率流传递特性的影响 ,研究其动力学传递特性和振动噪声控制机理 。
In this paper from the beginning of the classical model solving noise control, that is, source path receiver, aiming at gear transmission system, by applying to mobility and modal approaches, we calculate the power flow through multidimensional compliant joints, compare the effect of the different simplified models on power flow characteristics and study the mechanism of noise control, in order to lay a foundation for controlling the noise from gear transmission system further.
Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science)