目的 对中晚期胃癌进行CT与X线钡餐造影的对照研究。方法 分析48例经手术及/或胃镜病理证实的中晚期胃癌的CT与X线钡餐造影的表现。结果 CT及X线钡餐造影在中晚期胃癌病灶的检出率上无显著差别,CT在检出转移灶及判断邻近器官的受侵的程度上明显优于X线钡餐造影。但有时CT在检出转移灶及判断邻近器官的受侵程度上也可出现假阳性(误诊)与假阴性(漏诊)。X线钡餐造影在观察病变空间位置、胃壁柔软度方面则优于CT。结论 在中晚期胃癌的诊断上,X线钡餐造影仍不失为一种首选的常规检查方法。CT检查则可用来作佐证,以相互补充证实。
Purpose To compare the findings on CT and X-ray barium meal test of advanced grastric carcinoma. Method The findings on CT and X - ray barium meal test of 48 cases with advanced grastric carcinoma, whose pathologic findings obtained by operation and /or gas-troscopy, were compared. Results There were no significant difference between CT and X - ray barium meal test in the detection rate, but , CT in the detection of metastases and estimation of the in filtration was superior to X - ray barium meal test. While, sometimes, It may result in false -positive and false - neglive. In the locating mass place and observing the soft degree of gastric wall; X - ray barium meal test was better than CT. Conclusions X - ray barium meal test could be put in the first place to choose the methods in the diagnosis of gastric carcinoma, CT can be used to confirm diagnosis . Two methods can be testified by each other.
Shanghai Medical Imaging
CT X - ray barium meal test Gastric cancer