多目标多传感器数据关联中的分配问题一直是数据融合领域中的一个关键问题 ,众多的研究者都提出了一系列不同的方法来解决这个 NP-hard问题。本文提出了用 2维分配问题的匈牙利解法来解决该问题 ,给出求解 2 -D,3 -D分配的方法。经仿真计算表明 ,该法能较大程度地降低计算量 ,是一种实用性很好的方法 。
The problem of multiassignment in multisensor data association has long been a key issue in data fusion field.A series of methods to solve this NP hard problem have been put forward by many researchers.In this paper we describe a novel way,Hungary solution to solv the questions in 2 D and 3 D.Through computer simulation,it has been proved that the method is effective and is worth further researching in multidimension.
Aviation Metrology & Measurement Technology