目的 了解深圳市宝安区围产儿先天性畸形的发病情况和分布特征,为进一步研究提供参考。方法 对宝安区1997年1月1日~1999年12月31日住院分娩的围产儿进行了先天性畸形监测研究。结果 宝安区 1997~1999年3a围产儿先天性畸形总发生率为77.72/万。年发生率(1/万)1997~1999分别为66.58、81.86和82.29,常住和流动户口的围产儿分别为69.65和80.33,活产及死产儿分别为51.61和2310.23,两者差异非常显著(x^2=3374.95,P=0.001);性别发生率男(75.25)高于女(73.75),差异无显著性(x^2=0.026,P=0.873);年龄以孕母<20岁者为最高(129.31),不同孕母年龄差异非常显著(x^2=40.88,P=0.001);孕母职业以工人为最高(168.69),不同孕母职业差异非常显著(x^2=10331.87,P=0.001);城区(86.43)高于非城区(63.34),不同地区差异非常显著(x^2=278.68,P=0.001);季节以夏(89.12)、冬(92.22)季较高,不同季节差异非常显著(x^2=11.517,P=0.009)。发生率居前5位的畸形依次为:大腹儿(18.23)、短肢或缺肢畸形(8.42)、先天性脑积水(7.84)、唇裂合并腭裂(6.41)和唇裂(6.41)。结论 宝安区围产儿先天性畸形的发生率比国内部分地区监测的结果要高,且发生有自己的特点,值得进一步研究。
[Objective] To learn the morbidity and distribution of congenital abnormalities of the perinatals in Baoan district,Shenzhen.[Methods] Perinatals delivered in hospitals of Baoan district were studied with disease surveillance from Jan.1997 to Dec.1999.[Results] The total incidence rate of congenital abnormalities of the perinatals in Baoan district was 77.72/104.The incidence rate from 1997 to 1999 was 66.58/104,81.86/104 and 82.29/104 respectively.That of the fixed and dynamic perinatals was 69.65/104 and 80.33/104 respectively.The difference between them was significant (x2 = 3 374.95,P =0.001).That of male perinatals (75.25/104) is higher than that of female perinatals (73.75/104).The difference between them was not significant (x2= 0.026,P = 0.873).That of perinatals delivered by pregnant younger than 20 years was the highest.Significant difference was found in the different pregnant ages (x2 = 40.88,P = 0.001).That of perinatals in urban areas (86.43/104) was higher than that in rural areas (63.34/104).Significant difference was found in different areas (x2 = 278.68,P = 0.001).That of the perinatals in summer (89.12/104) and winter (92.22/104) was higher than that in other seasons,the difference between seasons is great (x2 = 11.517,P =0.009).5 congenital abnormalities of the highest morbidity rate are: congenital ascites (18.23/104),reduction defect of upper and lower limb (8.42/104),congenital hydrocephalus (7.84/104),cleft lip with cleft palate (6.41/104) and cleft lip (6.41/104).[Conclusion] The incidence rate of congenital abnormalities of the perinatals in Baoan district is higher than that in other areas,and it had its own special character,which is necessary to be further studied.
Occupation and Health
Congenital abnormalities, Surveillance study.