The development of the object-oriented paradigm has suffered from the lackof any generally accepted formal foundations for its semantic definition. Toaddress this issue, we propose the development of the logic-based semantics ofthe object-oriented paradigm. By combining the logic- with the object-orientedparadigm of computing first, this paper discusses formally the semantics of aquite purely object-oriented logic paradigm in terms of proof theory modeltheory and Aspoint theory from the viewpoint of logic. The operational anddeclarative semantics is given. And then the correspondence between soundnessand completeness has been discussed formally.
The development of the object-oriented paradigm has suffered from the lackof any generally accepted formal foundations for its semantic definition. Toaddress this issue, we propose the development of the logic-based semantics ofthe object-oriented paradigm. By combining the logic- with the object-orientedparadigm of computing first, this paper discusses formally the semantics of aquite purely object-oriented logic paradigm in terms of proof theory modeltheory and Aspoint theory from the viewpoint of logic. The operational anddeclarative semantics is given. And then the correspondence between soundnessand completeness has been discussed formally.