In this work the diffusion coefficients of Na+, K+, Ca2+, NO3- and Cl- ions were estimated in terms of measuring apparent direct current (DC) conductivities of latosol, red soil and yellow-brown earth containing, respectively, NaNO3, KCI, and CaCl2 of different concentrations (0.005, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15 mol / L) in the case of moisture contents ranging from wet to water saturation. The results showed that when bulk density, moisture content, and electrolyte concentration were constant, the diffusion coefficients of cations were in the order Na+> K+> Ca2+ except for Na+ and K+ in latosol, while the order for anions was NO3- > Cl-. The diffusion coefficients (Di) of cations and anions were linearly proportional to volumetric moisture content (θ) as electrolyte concentration and bulk density were unchanged. When moisture content and bulk density were constant, the diffusion coefficients of cations decreased, to varying extents, with the increase of electrolyte concentration, and the decrement in different soils followed the order yellow-brown earth > red soil > latosol, but the decrement order of different cations was Na+> K+ > Ca2+.
In this work the diffusion coefficients of Na^+,K^+,Ca^2+,NO3^- and Cl^- ions were estimated in terms of measuring apparent direct current (DC) conductivities of latosol,red soil and yellow-brown earth containing,respectively,NaNO3,NCl,and CaCl2 of different concentrations (0.005,0.05,0.10,and 0.15 mol/L) in the case of moisture contents ranging from wet to water saturation.The results showed that when bulk density,moisture content,and electrolyte concentration were constant,the diffusion coefficients of cations were in the order Na^+>K^+>Ca^2+ except for Na^+ and K^+ in latosol,while the order for anions was NO3^->Cl^-.The diffusion coefficients (Di) of cations and anions were linearly proportional to volumetric moisture content (θ) as electrolyte concentration and bulk density were unchanged.When moisture content and bulk density were constant,the diffusion coefficients of cations decreased,to varying extents,with the increase of electrolyte concentration,and the decrement in different soils followed the order yellow-brown earth> red soil> latosol,but the decrement order of different cations was Na^+>K^+>Ca^2+.