我们以江西省水利科学研究所为样本 ,开发出江西省水利科学研究所管理信息系统 (MIS)软件 .同时该系统还引入了地理信息系统技术 ,可以为单位各管理科室的信息管理提供服务 ,取得了较好的效果 .该系统的开发有助于探索MIS在水利工程管理单位等方面的应用 .
We take Jiangxi Province Water Conservancy Science Research Institute as the sample to develop the software of the management information system of Jiangxi Province water Conservancy Science Research Institute.At the same time,it adopted the geography information system technology and can provide some service for the information management of every department.And the effect is good.The development of this system can help to probe the application of MIS in the hydraulic project management unit.
Jiangxi Hydraulic Science & Technology