第二次世界大战后的世界移民运动 ,改变了原有民族国家内的民族构成 ,对现代民族国家及其政治制度提出了严峻挑战。本文从剖析现代民族国家构建过程中的种族排斥性、建立在排斥性民族国家基础之上的代议制民主制度的非自足性、民族国家的合法性危机等角度 ,提出了全球化进程中发挥国家的冲突调节机制和矛盾转化功能 ,改造滞后的政治结构 。
Since World War II, the movement of immigrants on the global level has changed the nationality composition of former nation states and so posed severe challenges to the modern nation state and its political system. This paper analyzes the racial exclusiveness in the building process of nation state, the parliamentary democracy on the foundation of exclusive nation state, and the legitimacy crisis of the nation state. From these angles, the author puts forward some urgent tasks: to bring the conflict management mechanism of the state into full play, to transform the political structure that has lagged behind, and to build the pluralist inter ethnic political theory that can be used to manage the relationship between the main nationality and the national minorities in the multi nationality country.
Ethno-National Studies