Lichens play an unparalleledly vital role in weathering and soil-forming processes in Antarctic region. Inthis study some related chemical components and micromorphological analyses have been carried out on thesamples of the weathered rocks and the lichens grown on them from Fildes Peninsula, Antarctic. The resultsindicated that the major chemical components in the bioweathering surface layer of the sampled rocks havebeen obviously altered and the weathering potential in this layer has greatly decreased by an average rangearound 4.66 percent in 4 samples. In the weathering surface layer ferruginmation of some minerals in varyingdegrees was seen by means of microscopic examination through the thin section of the weathered rocks, andits products proved to be dominated by hematite, limonite, goethite and free iron oxides Meanwhile, thestudy suggested that the dissolntion and absorption of lichens by their secretion accelerated the process ofcalcitization of minerals in the bicaweathering surface layer. Eventually, the results aIso show that differentspeciesof lichens play different roles in weathering and soilforming processes.