Field experiments were carried out with rice variety of Shennong 91 of short culms and erect panicles to study nutrient contents in high-yielding rice plants and to increase rice yield by appropriate fertilization.Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron and copper contents in rice plants varied with different treatment factors. The relationship between the nutrient contents and treatment factors could be simulated using a multiple quadratic equation. The nutrient contents in plants should be appropriate for high-yielding rice. If the mean nutrient content in rice plants producing 11 t ha-1 or more of grain (μj) was set as the standard value and the standard deviation (σj) was set as the range of variation, the nutrient content in high-yielding rice plants should be μj±1.99σj. Rice leaves were sensitive to the nutrient elements. Heavy nitrogen dressing increased the content of nitrogen in rice plants. Sparse transplanting also increased nitrogen content. Improper application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium could affect the nutrient contents and decrease the grain yield.