Vertisols,which are mainly developed on fiuvial and lacustrine deposits and basalt,are extensively distributed in China. 66 samples of them for radiocarbon dating were collected across 5 provinces and 1 autonomous region, ranging from warm-temperate to subtropical and tropical zones in China.The soil organic matter was dated via surfaCe horizon, black soil horizon and dark-colour horizon of the vertisols,whereas carbonate through calcareous concretions and dispersed carbonate in soil profile using radiocarbon method. The present article elucidates the dates of genetic horizons,and of surfaCe and buried vertisols as well. 14C dating indicates that the surface vertisols were formed during the end of the late Pleistocene,ca.15600 years ago.Correlation between depth of sampling and measured 14C age shows that age characteristics of the vertisols of China are close to those of West Germany,Italy,Turnisia,Australia and Argeentia. However, two buried vertisols developed on fluvial and lacustrine deposits were formed during different geological periods.The buried soils in warm-temperate zone were formed in the mid Holocene, while those in subtropics were buried at 12930 years B.P.,and formed in the end of the late Pleistocene.