通过 1998~ 2 0 0 1年对烟台市拉美斑潜蝇的研究 ,结果表明 :年发生 15~ 17代 ;寄主植物有 2 1科 80余种 ,幼虫主要嗜食芹菜、芸豆、番茄、菠菜、菊花等 ;成虫羽化时间集中在上午 9~ 11时 ;卵主要产在植株中下部叶片背面的基部和中部叶段 ;
Research on Liriomyza huidorensis during 1998~2001 indicated that :the pest occurs 15~17 generations annually; Its host plants include 80 species,21 families. Mainly damages celery, kidney, tomato, chrysanthemum etc.. Adults emergence period from 9∶00 to 11∶00 a.m. Oviposit at the back of basic or middle leaves which lies middle or lower parts of plants. Pupa concentrate mostly over the back of leaves.
Journal of Laiyang Agricultural College