新经济就是由于计算机和“网络”等高新技术的应用 ,推动了经济高速增长和持续发展的经济。中国走新经济道路 ,既不能照抄美国的经验 ,也不能完全否认美国的那一套。总之要以邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论为指针 ,走新经济之路。
New economy'is a new economic phenomenon which promotes the rapid increasing and sustained development of China's economy due to the application of new and high technologies, such as the computer and internet. To go through it, neither can we practise the American experience totally,nor negate it absolutely. In a word, We must experience the new economy in line with the theory of the socialism with Chinese characteristics put forword by Deng Xiaoping.
Journal of Nanchang Vocational & Technical Techers' College