以己二酸和癸二酸做扩链剂对 DA系列聚醚进行了扩链改性 .通过对反应程度的测定 ,获得了扩链产物的相对分子质量 ,并用渤海油田稠油对其破乳性能进行了评价 .研究表明 :随着扩链反应时间的增加 ,产物相对分子质量随之增大 ,但是破乳效果随反应时间的增加呈先增大后减少的趋势 .以 DA- 1 0与己二酸进行扩链的产物破乳效果最佳者的相对分子质量为 1万左右 .研究还发现 ,以癸二酸为扩链剂的改性产物其破乳效果总体上比用己二酸改性的要好 .
A series of polyethers are modified by chain extending method. Adipic acid and sebasic acid are used as chain extending agents. The relative molecular masses of the products are determined by the measurement of reaction degree. The demulsifying performances of them are evaluated with the viscous oil of Bohai Oilfield. It is shown that while the chain extending reaction time is increased, the demulsifying effect of the products increases at first and then decreases a certain period later. The optimum relative molecular mass of the products from DA10 and adipic acid is about 10,000. It is also found that the demulsifying performance of the products obtained by means of sebasic acid is superior to that of the products obtained by means of adipic acid.
Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Natural Science Edition)