井眼轨道闭环控制技术是当今国内外钻井技术领域的研究热点 ,而地面与井下的信息传输是这一高新技术中的重要环节。目前 ,地面与井下的无线信息传输系统主要是采用钻井液脉冲方式 ,而如何提高传输深度和传输速率一直都是钻井液脉冲传输系统的研究主题。文章基于多相流理论 ,研究了钻井液脉冲信号的传输速度及其影响因素 ,分析了信号的动态传输特性和衰减规律。研究表明 :脉冲信号在井筒中的往复传播类似于阻尼振荡 ;信号频率和钻井液粘度是影响信号衰减的主要可控因素 ;给出了一些计算和分析实例。
The closed loop control technolog y for well bore trajectory is research highlights in today's well drilling field both abroad and at home,and the information transmission from downhole to surfa ce is an important link for this high and new technology.At present,the drilling mud pulse is mainly used in the wireless transmission system to transmit the dr illing informations from downhole to surface,but how to improve the transmission depth and rate is a research topic all along for drilling mud pulse transmissio n system.Based on the theory of multiphase flow,the transmission velocity of the drilling mud pulse signal and its influence factors and the transmission behavi or and attenuation regularity are studied in this paper.The results show that th e transmission of the drilling mud pulse along well bore is similar to damped os cillation and the frequence of the signal and the viscosity of drilling mud are the major controllable factors which affect the signal attenuation.Some calculat ed and analyzed results are given out,which are of reference value for both impr ovement of existing drilling mud pulse transmission system and development of me w systems.
Natural Gas Industry
国家 8 63计划基金项目 (82 0 -Q - 0 4 )