XXJ40型斜井修井机是为满足 1 50 0m以内浅油、气、水井的小修作业而研制的。该机采用机械加液力传动 ,动力系统采用CAT340 6C型发动机 ;传动箱采用阿里森CLBT754型传动箱 ;井架采用中支架支承拖架套装方式 ,倾斜角度实现无级可调 ,并通过前、后、左、右移动的液压机构实现修井机向 4个方向移动 ,游车可方便对井口 ;载车底盘采用 8× 4驱动 ,前桥装单胎 ,后桥装双胎。文章简要介绍XXJ40型斜井修井机的主要参数及部件结构的方案论证。
XXJ40 workover rig is developed for small scale workover jobs of inclined wells within 1?500?m.It consists of a mechanical and hydraulic combined driving system,CAT3406C motor and CLBT754 driving gear box.The derrick inclined angle can be steplessly adjusted,its movements in four direstions can be accomplished by the movements of the hydraulic mechanism.The chassis is 8×4 driven,front axle is equiped with single tyre while back axle double tyres.A brief demonstration for the main parameters and structures of XXJ40 workover rig is presented.
Oil Field Equipment