以烷烃分子中的结构单元及烷基极化效应指数 (PEI)作为独立变量 ,建立了不同温度下液体链烷烃导热率的推算关联模型 :λ =∑aiNi+b1 PEI(N) +b2 Tα,其中ai、b1 、b2 、α均为常数 ,Ni为分子中结构单元数目 ,PEI(N)为含N个碳原子的烷基极化效应指数 ,T为温度 (K) ,λ为不同温度下液体链烷烃的导热率 .用该模型对 45种常见液体链烷烃的15 5个不同温度下的导热率文献值进行关联和推算 ,平均绝对误差小于 0 .0 0 4,平均相对误差小于 2 .85 % ,适用范围为C5~C2 4.
This paper presents an analysis of the variety regulation of thermal conductivity(λ) of liquid chain alkane with different number of constructional elementary and the polarizability effect index (PEI), and a model about calculation of thermal conductivity of them has been developed: λ=∑a i N i +b 1 PEI (N)+b 2 T α (N5~24) where a i ?b 1 ?b 2 ?α all refer to constant, N i to the number of constructional elementaryi, PEI to the polarizabilitiy effect index, N to the number of the molecular for chain alkane,λ to thermal conductivity of liquid chain alkane, T to temperature( K ). This model is applied to interaction and calculation for 155 experimental data about 45 kinds of chain alkane, the results showed that the calculated values of thermal conductivity are in good agreement with the experimental data, the mean absolute deviation is less than 0.004, the relative error is less than 2.85%.
Natural Science Journal of Xiangtan University
湖南省教育厅资助项目 (湘教通 [2 0 0 1] 179号 )