
食品科学的新发展 被引量:1

New Developments in Food Science
摘要 最近几年,工业化世界中一个接一个的,如疯牛病,口蹄疫引起的食品危机,表明这是些何等敏感的资讯.它必然涉及食品科学,而对于食品工业也许更为重要.如果食品缺乏了,问题的性质就会完全不同. In recent years major food crises in the developed world and the catastrophic lack of appropriate food supply in developing countries have again demonstrated how sensitive and delicate the material is with which we have to deal in Food Science and Technology .Especially the catastrophes point. amongst other areas, also to deficiencies in Food Science and Technology at large and to wrongly directed developments. An analysis of the prohlems which Food Technology is presently lacing is not possible without considering the impact of various related scientific and technical fields on Food Science and Technology. By applying a systematic approach, considerations have to begin with raw material production where e. g. the impart of plant related biotechnology is important. Consideration should also touch upon developments in processing technology, in food analysis, in food physics, food structure, in fermentation technology, in application of artificial intelligence in food technology etc. The consideration must also include the impact of recently gained knowledge in the field of nutrition on the production of new types of products and the attitude of the consumer towards new developments. The analysis will reveal that, under the impression of the actual crises in the food system, a change of the conventional paradigm, with the agricultural production as a major factor in the food system, has to be introduced. It will become obvious that the consumer gains more importance and moves into the centre of considerations when the topic is food and food technology. Globalisation finally will also play an important role in the further development of Food Science and Technology.Apart of the mainstream factors which are being discussed, other factors like the concentration ot the food industry or environmental factors should not be neglected. In order to cope with the many problems and to point to a global strategy . IUFoST has released a declaration of needs and possible ways of approaching the most relevant problems. In this so called Budapest Declaration relevant strategics are emphasized and recommennded.
出处 《中国食品学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第3期1-6,共6页 Journal of Chinese Institute Of Food Science and Technology
关键词 食品科学 技术发展 模式 食品安全 Food Science and Technology Nutrition New Technologies Change of Paradigm IUFoST Budapest Declaration
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