13 cases with AMI of left ventricular inferior wall complicaled with risht ventricular myocardial infarction (RVMI) were reported. ECG of all patients showed ST segment elevations were more than 1 mm in one or more leads of v3R-v6R. Hemodynamic studies had been done on 4 cases and showed that right atrial pressure were greater than 1. 3 kPa and right ventriwlar end diastolic pressure had characteristic 'squre root sign'. Cli nically. AMI patients with right ventricular failure and/or shock are highly indicative of complication with RVMI. And hemodynamic studies and ECG should be done to confirm or rule out the diagosis, The principles of treatment are adequate amount of fluid infusion , dopamine for the shock state, and nitroglycerin to the pa-tients with left ventricular failure.