目的 :探讨胃平滑肌肿瘤的诊治方法。方法 :1996年 1月~ 2 0 0 2年 1月外科手术胃平滑肌肿瘤 13例 ,分析肿瘤生长的部位、方式、诊断方法、病理、治疗方式。结果 :肿瘤位于胃体部 8例 (6 2 % ) ,胃窦部 3例 (2 3% ) ,胃底部 2例 (15 % )。胃镜诊断率 5 4 % ,钡餐诊断率 75 % ,B超诊断率 6 9% ,CT诊断率 4 0 %。行胃次全切除术 5例 ,局部切除术 4例 ,全胃切除术 3例 ,姑息切除术 1例 (肝多发转移 )。病理诊断 :胃平滑肌瘤 7例 ,胃平滑肌肉瘤 6例。结论 :结合病史 ,多种辅助检查 (尤其是B超 )综合诊断 ,可提高术前的诊断率 ,治疗原则为手术切除。根据术中所见肿瘤大小。
Objective: To discuss the experience of diagnosis and treatment of gastric leiomyoma. Methods: 13 cases including 7 gastric leiomyoma amd 6 leiomyosarcoma from 1996.1 to 2002.1 were retrospectively reviewed and the tumor site, examining method, pathological results and treatment mode were analyzed. Results: 8 cases(62%)were in body of stomach, 3 cases(23%)were in antrum of stomach, and 2 cases(15%)were in fundus of stomach. Accurate rate of diagnosis of gastroscope, barium examining, ultrasound, and CT scan was 54%, 75%, 69%, and 40% respectively. 5 cases were adopted to subtotal gastroectomy, 4 cases were adopted to local gastroectomy, 3 cases were adopted to total gastroectomy, and one case with multiple metastasis of liver was accepted by palliative resection. Conclusion: Multiple exemining methods with history data can improve the accuracy of diagnosis, surgical resection should be performed according the tumor size and site, and pathological report.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
Gastric leiomyoma Gastric leiomyosarcoma Ultrasoumd scan Surgical treatment