第五次人口普查资料显示 :在人口老龄化进程方面 ,广东慢于全国 ,而珠三角更慢于广东全省。珠三角人口的老龄化进程 ,经济活力强的地区慢于相对不发达地区 ,城镇慢于农村。这是因为大量外地劳动力涌入的结果。广东特别是珠三角应该抓住这个人口优势 。
According to the fifth national census of China, in terms of population aging, Guangdong Province is slower than the whole nation, and the Pearl River Delta is slower than the whole province; and in the Pearl River Delta region, the areas with vigorous economies are slower than the relatively less developed areas, and the cities and towns are slower than the countryside. All these result from the in-pouring of labor from without. Guangdong can take advantage of its younger population to lay a sound foundation for its social security and its social and economic sustainable development.
Journal of Wuyi University(Social Sciences Edition)
20 0 1年广东省哲学社会科学规划特别委托项目"珠江三角洲率先基本实现现代化" [批准号 :0 1T0 1]的子课题"珠三角地区社会养老保险研究"之一部