大革命时期湖南农民运动的迅起有着深刻的社会根源。它是近代湖南民主革命精神的传承 ,是共产国际的指示、湖南国共两党的合力以及北伐时期湖南军民的互动等因素综合作用的结果。湖南农运高潮期间出现的某些幼稚和过分的举动 ,其主观原因是湖南农运的发展远远超过共产党在农村的发展 ,是党处在幼年时代 ,农民党员更显得幼稚 ,共产国际的误导也给湖南后期农运带来了混乱。北伐期间湖南农运本质上是反帝反封建的民主革命。
The rapid development of the peasant moverment in Hunan during the period of the Great Revolution had its deep social background.The movement was the continuation of the spirit of the democratic revolution in modern Hunan;it was the result of the synthetical work of factors such as the direction of the International Communist Movement,the joind efforts of the Communit party and the National party in Hunan and the mutual reactiorn of the army and people in Hunan in the period of the Northern Expedition.When the peasant movement was at its climax,some infantile and extreme activities were carried out.Subjective reasons for this include:the development of the peasant movement exceeded by a great deal the development of the communist party in the coumtryside;the Party was in its infancy and the party members among peasants were very infantile;and the misdirection of the International Communist movement also played a part in causing the disorder in the late period of the peasant movement.In essence,the peasant movement in Hunan during the Northern Expedition was a democratic revolution against imperialism and feudalism.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
the period of the Great Revolution
the peasant movement in Hunan