中华民族传统美德中的谦恭礼让 ,是群体和谐所要求的重要德行。在道德实践中 ,以义为上 ,见利思义 ,公利为重 ,具有普遍意义。体现着中国思想家对道德主体性的深刻理解 ,体现着儒家所说的“得众动天”、“强我中华”的进取精神。在中国古代的伦理纲常中 ,天下为公 ,爱国如家集中体现在公忠思想和爱国主义精神上 。
The traditional virtues of the Chinese people are an important part of Chinese culture, and have greatly influenced China's traditional culture and the spirit of the Chinese people. Modesty and politeness are important virtues indispensable to a harmonious life of the people. Righteousness and benefit are major points of morality. Righteousness is a top priority; think of righteousness in the face of benefit; welfare of the public should be highly valued-such ideas are of universal significance because they embody the Chinese thinkers' idea of morality and the enterprising spirit of Confucianism. The idea of the whole world as one community and loving the nation like the home reflects the glorious tradition of patriotism of Chinese people and their morality.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology(Social Science)
the Chinese people
traditional virtues
spirit of the time