我国加入世界贸易组织 ,医疗卫生市场会进一步开放 ,医疗机构之间的竞争会更加激烈。公立医疗机构能不能在竞争中更好地发展 ,取决于医护条件、技术水平、医护服务质量等多种因素 ,其中服务质量是核心竞争力。因此 ,公立医疗机构必须改革医疗体制 ,在提高医护水平的基础上 ,着重在改善服务质量上下功夫 。
Medical health market will further open and competition between medical institutions will be more violent after Chinas entry into WTO. Whether the public medical institutions develop better in the competition depend on medical conditions,technical levels and health service qualities,etc,in which the service qualities are the core of competition.So,the public medical institutions should reform medical systems and improve service qualities in particular to cope with the challenge of WTO on the basis of enhancing the qualities of treatment and nursing.
Journal of Shaoguan University