阿诺德力图融合希腊的理性精神与希伯来的宗教精神 ,促进人性的完善和社会的和谐发展 ;针对英国当下的社会困境 ,又强调了运用希腊精神的紧迫性和必要性。阿诺德提出“诗歌是人生的批评”的观念 ,这种与希腊精神相联系的“道德批评” 。
Matthew Arnold tried to reconcile Greek rationality with Hebrew religious spirit and promote the improvement of humanity and social harmorious development.In view of the situation in Englang,Aronal emphasized the neccesity of application of Green rationality.He put forward the idea that 'Poetry is the criticism of life'.This moral criticism related to Greek spirit is actually a social criticism.
Journal of Huanggang Normal University