作为微格教学这项研究和实践的基础性工作 ,师范生教学技能培养不是囿于一般课堂教学场面的需要 ,而是根据初中英语教学目的、学生的学习规律、先进的课堂教学模式和教学原则确定的 ;通过这些技能训练的新教师使初中英语教学发生了很大变化 ;
This paper introduces the aims, learning materials, teaching methods and training patterns of the microteaching to train would-be teachers of Junior English. As the basic job in the research and practice, the determination of the teaching skills is not constrained by the needs of common classroom scenes. The teaching skills are determined and defined specially in the light of the aims, the learning regularities of pupils, the advanced class patterns and principles of Junior English teaching. With these skills drilled, the new teachers have brought about great changes in Junior English teaching and the training course has qualified a lot of graduates to be excellent English teachers .
Journal of Huanggang Normal University