冷箭竹(Bashania fangiana(A. Camus) Keng f. et Wen)是大熊猫周年喜食的竹种。本文研究了冷箭竹的发笋期、成竹率、竹笋—幼竹的高生长节律、高与径生长的数学相关式、枝叶生长规律、冠幅与基径的生长关系和生物量等。生物量与高、径增长呈正相关,配以幂函数方程,建立了估算二年生以上单株竹各器官生物量的经验公式: W_(地上重)=1.09122(D^2H)^(0.5678) R=0.7332 P=-0.0357 W_秆=0.36396(D^2H)^(0.7757) R=0.9054 P=-0.0179 W_枝=0.22848(D^2H)^(0.6014) R=0.6944 P=-0.0479 W_叶=0.25986(D^2H)^(0.6227) R=0.7336 P=-0.0355 式中R为相关系数,P为系统误差。中等密度冷箭竹生物量1m^2为548.21g,地上部份生物量占总生物量的68.7%,地下部份占31.7%。1m^2有竹株98—128株。为采取措施,抢救和保护大熊猫提供了科学依据。
Bashania fangiana (A. Camus) keng f. et Wen is one of panda's favorite food all the year round. This paper studies the grouth of shoots, culms, branches, crowns and accumulation of biomass. The results are as follows: 1. The shoot-sprouting period lasts from Apr. 25 to Sept. 25. The culm-grown rate in the current year is 80%, the height growth of shoot-culm shows in a curve of 's'type. 2. The relation between height growth and basal diameter can be expressed in a exponential function: H=294.3001e^(-0.319910) R=0.9422 P=-0.0063 3. Biomass has a positive relation to height and diameter. Coordinated with power function, some experienced formulas are put forward to estimate the biomass of different organs for individual bamboo more than two years old. W above-ground weight=1.09122 (D^2H) R=0.7332 P=-0.0357 W culm=0.36396(D^2H) R=0.9054 P=-0.0179 W braches=0.22848(D^2H) R=0.6944 P=-0.0479 W leaves= 0.25986(D^2H) R=0.7336 P=-0.0355 4. The biomass of middle-density bamboo forest, which has 98—128 culms per square meter, is 548.21 g.m, where the above-ground part occupies 68.73%, and the under-ground one does 31.27%.
Journal of Bamboo Research