目的:比较无机碘与海带有机碘补碘效果上的差异,评价海带生物有机碘的动物补碘效果,为科学补碘提供安全的补碘剂方法:(1)4组小鼠分别饲以不同剂量KI:1μg碘/d·只、6μg碘/d·只、60μg碘/d·只、100μg碘/d·只 (2)3组小鼠各饲喂不同剂量海带有机碘:60μg碘/d·只、100μg碘/d·只、200μg碘/d·只(3)Babl/c小白鼠3组,第1组每日额外饲喂KI,120μg碘/d·只第2、3组除摄无机碘120μg/d·只外,额外饲喂海带活性碘液(折合碘为20μg/d·只)(4)高碘甲肿小鼠两组,第1组饲以海带活性碘剂(折合碘为20μg/d·只),第2组则喂以标准饲料自愈(5)饲养180d后称重、处死,检查各组小鼠体量、甲状腺形态和重量变化结果:无机碘摄入过量,小鼠体重减轻、甲状腺肿大,摄入超过40μg碘/d·只,明显肿大;而海带有机碘摄入量即使过200μg碘/d·只,小鼠甲状腺也未见明显肿大;同补海带有机碘可防治高碘甲肿,海带有机碘是一种新型安全的补碘剂。
Objective: Compares the effect on supplementing iodine of inorganic iodine with that of organic iodine in kelp, and e-valuates the effect of bio-organic iodine in kelp supplementing iodine on animal, thereby provides safe reagent for scientifically supplementing iodine. Methods: (1)The four groups were respectively fed hy different doses of KI: 1μg iodine/mouse·day2 6μg iodine/ mouse·day, 60μg iodine/mouse· day、 100μg iodine/ mouse· day . (2) Three groups were respectively fed by different doses of organic iodine in kelp: (60μg iodine/mouse · day、 100μg iodine/mouse · day , 200μg iodine/mouse · day) μg iodine/mouse · day (3) Three groups of Babl/c mice, the first group were extra fed with KI 120μg iodine/ day· mouse. The second and third group were fed with inorganic iodine 120μg /mouse·day, besides, were extra fed with the solution of active iodine in kelp (amount to 20μg iodine/mouse·day) (4)Two groups of mice suffered from periodic goitre, the first group were fed with the solution of active iodine in kelp(amount to 20μg iodine/mouse·day) ; The second group were fed with normal forage and left them self-treat. (5)After 180 days, we weighed, killed and examined the changes of body weight, the shape and weight of thyroid gland. Results: If ingesting excessive inorganic iodine, the mice appeared the drop of weight and goitre. If beyond 40μg iodine/mouse·day. the mice appeared obvious goitre. Contrastly, the dose of organic iodine in kelp even exceeded 200μg /mouse·day, but goitre didn' t appear. Organic iodine in kelp may prevent and cure periodic goitre. The organic iodine in kelp is a new type of safe reagent of supplementing iodine.
Journal of Chinese Institute Of Food Science and Technology
Kelp Organic iodine Animal experimentation Thyroid gland