一年一度的上海国际服装文化节来来去去的,不觉竟也有11次了。每年这个时候,花总是最香,脂粉总是最浓,街道总是最缤纷,女人总是最漂亮……十年一轮回,变化的只是时尚的样貌,而时尚本身,早已是屹立不倒的权威了。Fashion is a kind of power,街头橱窗里花花绿绿的海报、T 台上模特风情万种的回眸转身。
Fashion dominates this era.The prominent posters in street windows, the enticing manners and moves of the models on the T-stage,the vague but unswerving mottos of the masters in the remote European palace—all these have been amprified and proliferated unlimitedly,and copied and re-combined by the modern media,to become the new bible much adored by urban men and women—the Fashion Power.