
大师封刀 贝聿铭与新苏州博物馆

An Ultimate Masterpiece—Bei Yuming and New Suzhou Museum
摘要 作为贝聿铭先生的封刀之作,新苏州博物馆的雏形从刚刚从图纸上诞生的那一刻起,就受到了多方关注,个中的纷纷扰扰也一言难尽。 In the designing career of leoh Ming Pei,the modern master architect,whose works people follow with great interest are Le Grand Louvre in Paris,the East Building of the National Gallery of Art,Washington,D.C.,the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library,Boston,and the Fragrant Hill Hotel near Beijing,China.The new Museum of Suzhou which is being built currently is not an exception,either. Just as the past works of leoh Ming Pei,which are full of whimsical scenes and mystery,various opinions prevailed during the period when the design for the new Suzhou Museum was being produced.In fact,the result is that people are all totally convinced by Mr.Pei's terse but admirable architectural expression.However,before the author saw Mr.Pei,he was puzzled about the new museum with the thought and imagination that how Mr.Pei could convey the bright scenery of the lower Yangtze Valley,and the deep and far-reaching Wu Culture in this special site?When people were in the dispute over the integration of the old and the new,the appearance of the city,and the style of the architecture,what concerns Mr.Pei most was the Wu Culture itself.The conceptual design of the new Su Zhou Museum finished by I.M.Pei & Partners interprets its close relation to the city structure,the clear architectural functions and the simple style,the lively and detached interior design and the effective use and the reasonable relocation of the old construction. All are gone,be it the vicissitude,the puzzle,and the dispute.What we are looking forward to is the display of the elegant and distinguished masterpiece- the new Museum of Suzhou with the precise construction and the perfect management of it.
作者 王柯
出处 《大美术》 2006年第3期50-53,154,共5页
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