
群雄逐鹿 硝烟渐起——2006年4、5月春季艺术品大拍回顾、点评

Retrospect and Evaluation of Art Auctions in April and May 2006
摘要 俗话说“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”。期待在万物复苏、欣欣向荣的春天能够有个充满希望的开始,各地艺术品拍卖行在阳春四、五月间,纷纷推出了自己精挑细选的珍品。一时间,春季艺术品大拍此起彼伏、争奇斗艳。在渐起的硝烟中,艺术品市场逐渐呈现一派群雄逐鹿的局面。 The proverb has that the early bird catches the worm.We are all expecting that we can have a hopeful beginning in the all-refreshing and flourishing spring. Art houses at different places have put forward in succession their painstakingly- selected treasures in the springtime of April and May.In a short time,surging groups of art works have emerged one by one,competing with each other with their unique glamour.In the rising competition,a picture of powerful rivals against one another has taken shape with the prominent auction houses at home and abroad playing the important roles in it. The first Chinese contemporary art auction at the Sotheby's in New York has got the unexpectedly exciting results with the transaction volume totaling USD 109. 403 million and the rate of reaching the deal being as high as 89%.The Blood Series:Comrade No.120 by Zhang Xiaogang,the Si Chuan painter has been paid with the highest price at the auction,which is USD 979.2 thousand,more than the double of the estimated price.And if is also the record-high price for all the art works by Zhang Xiaogang.Besides,Hong Kong Christie's Spring Auction commemorating its 20th anniversary is going to be the biggest auction in Asia up to now. The 06 Spring Auction at China Guardian Auctions will have 12 special auctions. Among these,there will be the“Chinese Oil Painting & Sculpture”auction where Yi Fei Chen's masterpieces will be presented in an overall way.The paintings to be shown are mainly his representative works created after his return to China, the major themes of which are the scenery of the waterside regions,ancient beauties,and the Tibet.San Marco in Venice,Waterside Regions,Fluting,and Returning Home are the auctioned ones,which will give all-out display of Yi Fei Chen's oil painting art for the past decades.
作者 韦蔚
出处 《大美术》 2006年第5期96-99,159,共5页








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