

From An Art Devotee To An Art Planner
摘要 徐建刚是浙江台州路桥人。十年来.他从一个单一的包装企业发展成如今的以房地产为主业.集文化、园林、建材、投资等行业于一体的跨地区的集团化公司.并于七年前进军上海.在南汇成功开发房产业。他在事业成功的同时热心支持社会的公益事业.在文化艺术上给予大力赞助。徐建刚从艺术的钟情者成为艺术的收藏者.又从艺术的收藏者成为艺术的策划者.以资助艺术事业真诚回报社会。 Xu Jiangang was born in Luqiao,Taizhou in Zhejiang Province.In 10 years,based on a single package company,he has developed his business into an integrated inter-regional group corporation that covers fields including real estate,culture,gardening,construction materials and investment.Seven years ago,Xu and his company entered Shanghai market,and successfully built commercial residential building of nearly a million square meters,becoming one of the“50 Best Shanghai Real Estate Corporations”and“Shanghai Real Estate Brand Creators”.Xu Jiangang has been a calligraphy lover since his childhood.Sometimes he would try it himself.When he was about twenty years old,he fell in love with painting.Chinese painting was not to be separated from calligraphy,as the ancient Chinese saying goes,“painting and calligraphy are of the same origin.”However,he had never thought of becoming an artist himself. Art is far too solemn for him,he never thought it will be in his reach. When his enterprise was reaching a height of success,his love for art became deeper and deeper,it was since then that he began to collect artworks.He has built a Gangtai Art Center,and is planning to build an art and culture street beside the Center,providing the center with long-term financing through market operation.The 1 kilometer long street is in construction now on Nanliu Highway,with a total area of more than 30 thousand square meters.On the southern side,street-side buildings of more than a hundred thousand square meters will be constructed in the coming year.He believes that the art and culture street will definitely contribute greatly to the development of the art and tourist business in Nanhui area.
出处 《大美术》 2006年第10期54-61,132,共9页
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