WTO专家组程序较GATT无疑有着很大的进步性 ,在WTO争端解决中也发挥了巨大作用。但随着全球经济的发展 ,WTO专家组程序存在的一些缺陷和不足也日益在实践中暴露出来。本文就WTO专家组程序中期评审程序的改进、设立常设专家组的设想、完善决策方式、处理好专家组强制管辖权与各国主权的关系等方面进行探讨并提出建议。
The panel procedure of WTO shows undoubtedly great improvement as compared with GATT ,and has shown a great importance in the dispute settlement mechanism(DSM)of WTO.Another hand ,with the development of global economic ,the panel procedure of WTO has exposed defects in practice.In the article,the auhor studies the improvement of interim review stage,the conceive of setting up a standing panel body,the reformation the way of decision ,the relation between compulsory jurisdiction of panel and sovereign rights,and the author puts forward some constructive countermeasures.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)