封建社会可以分为领主经济和地主经济两个阶段。中国封建社会历时比西欧长得多 ,因为中国的地主经济阶段比西欧长得多。这就是中国封建社会发展迟缓问题的实质。西欧进入地主经济阶段和在农村中产生资本主义是同时的。中国进入地主经济封建社会 ,是由于要突破农村公社———井田制———对生产力发展的束缚 ,因而以秦国的商鞅变法和秦统一天下为契机 ,在经济上废井田、开阡陌、土地民得以买卖 ,变领主经济为地主经济 ,在政治上废封建、置郡县 ,变贵族政治为官僚政治。地主经济这一经济基础及由其产生的三位一体公式、官僚政治及其支柱科举制度这一政治上层建筑、儒家学说这一思想上层建筑、被科举制度打乱的阶级关系 ,即四位一体公式等 ,使中国地主经济封建制度得以延长 ,资本主义产生困难。
Feudal society can be divided into the two stages of feudal lord economy and landlord economy. Chinas feudal society lasted much l onger than in West Europe, for the stage of Chinas landlord economy is much lo nger than that in West Europe.This is the crux of the slow development of feudal society in China. In West Europe, the beginning of the stage of landlord econ o my and the birth of capitalism in the rurla areas occurred simultaneously. For C hina to become a feudal society of landlord economy, it was imperative to b reak through the fetters of rural communes, i.e. the 'nine squares system', on the development of productive forces. With the Shangyang political reform and t he unification of the country in the Qin Dynasty came such economic changes as a bolishing the 'nine squares' system, transforming the farmland, land buying an d selling by the people, thus turning feudal lord economy into landlord economy. Along with this came some political changes such as abolishing feudal lords, es tablishing the system of prefectures and counties and turning aristocrat politic s into bureaucrat politics. The three-in-one formula, i.e. the economic basis of landlord economy and its resultant trinity formula; the political superstruct ure of bureaucratic politics and its supporting imperial exam system; the ideolo gical superstructure of Confucianism, the upsetting of class relations due to im p erial exam system combined to prolong Chinas feudal system of landlord economy and made it difficult for capitalism to come into being.
Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
feudal society, feudal lord economy, landlord econo my, capitalism