目的 监测湖北地区肠球菌耐药性并对耐药株进行基因分型及流行病学研究。方法 对 9所大型综合医院感染标本中分离的 3 3 5株肠球菌进行鉴定和药敏试验 ,以“WHONET4”软件分析 ;并以随机扩增多态性 DNA分型法 (RAPD)进行基因分型。结果 对耐氨苄西林肠球菌 (ARE)分离率 17.0 % ,对耐氨基糖苷类肠球菌(HL AR)分离率 3 8.2 % ,对耐万古霉素肠球菌 (VRE)分离率为 0 % ,HL AR合并 ARE的分离率为 5 .4% ,万古霉素中介肠球菌 (VIE)分离率 2 .1% ;2 1株 ARE分为 16型 ,43株 HLAR分为 2 6型 ,7株 HLAR合并 ARE分为 5型。结论 湖北地区肠球菌耐药性呈上升趋势 ,其感染在本地区呈散在流行态势 ;临床微生物室应严密关注多重耐药肠球菌的产生及播散流行。
OBJECTIVE To analyse the current resistance and characteristics of enterococci. METHODS Isolates of enterococci (335) collected from infectious samples in nine hospitals were identified and the susceptibility test was performed. WHONET4 software was used for analyzing the data. Genotyping was carried with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). RESULTS The rates of ARE, HLAR, VRE and ARE & HLAR were 17.0%, 38.2%, 0% and 5.4%, respectively. The rate of VIE was 2.1%. By RAPD 21 isolates of ARE were divided into 16 types, 43 isolates of HLAR were divided into 26 types, 7 isolates of ARE & HLAR were divided into 5 types. CONCLUSIONS Enterococci in Hubei submitted scattering prevalence. RAPD was an economic, quick and credible method for epidemic analyzing and pathogen molecular genotyping.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
湖北省卫生厅重点资助课题 (课题号 :WJ0 15 64 )