目的:了解新疆不同民族肾小球肾炎的患病情况及病理类型特点。 方法:对 113例肾穿刺活检确诊的肾小球肾炎存档的病理资料进行民族分布、年龄及病理学分类分析。结果:原发性肾小球肾炎中轻微病变型 35例(30 .97% ) ,局灶节段型 2 9例 (2 5 .6 6 % ) ,系膜增生型 2 6例 (2 3.0 1% ) ,硬化型 5例 (4.4 2 % ) ,膜增生型 4例(3.5 4 % ) ,新月体型 3例 (2 .6 5 % ) ;继发性肾小球性肾炎中狼疮肾 7例 (6 .19% ) ,Ig A肾病 4例 (3.5 4 % )。汉族 76例 (6 7.2 6 % ) ,维吾尔族 2 4例 (2 1.2 4 % ) ,回族 9例 (7.96 % ) ,哈萨克族、蒙古族 4例 (3.5 4 % )。平均年龄为 31.2 9岁 ,其中汉族患者平均年龄为 32 .13岁 ,维吾尔族患者平均年龄为 31.17岁。结论 :本地区不同民族以原发性肾小球肾炎多见 ,尤其是以轻微病变型、局灶节段型、系膜增生型为主。年龄以青中年为主 。
Objective: To understand the incidence and pathological classification of glomerulonephritis in different ethnic patients. Methods: 113 cases of glomerulonephritis were collected from pathologic file of aspirated renal specimens and analysed by ethnic group,age distribution and pathologic classification. Results: 30.97%(35/113) were minimal change of glomerulonephritis; 25.66%(29/113) were focal segmental glomerulonephritis; 23.01%(26/113) were mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis; 20.35%(23/113) were other types; 67.26%(76/113) were Han, 21.24%(24/113) were Uygur, 7.96%(9/113) were Hui and 3.54%(4/113) were others (includiog Ha, Mongol). Average age in totality of 113 cases was 31.29 years. The Han patient was 32.13 years; the Uygur was 31.17 years to be insignificance between them (P>0.05). Conclusion: The majoy type of primary glomerulonephritis including minimal change type, focal segmental type and mesangial proliferation type, amounting to 79.65%(90/113) was found,but the secondary glomerulonephritis including SLE only seven cases 6.19%(7/113) was found. The etiopathogenesis of this disease remains to be studied.
Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
ethnic group
pathological statistics