It is a general question to adjust the pole axis for every equipment mounted at the equatoriat system of coordinates. This article introduce a very simple principle and method of adjusting pole axis. The deviation components of the E—W direction and the UP—down direction <the zenith direction> between the celestial pole and the apparatus pole can be exactly measured by tracking the arctic star with the optical system of the equipment. These components are directly transfered to the pitch of clamping screws on whole machine base. With 3—5 times adjustments of the clamping screws, the pole axis can be adjusted with satisfaction.This adjustment method improves apparently upon the method used in the past. Someunsuitable respectes of the past method are modified. There are two pointes of advantage in this adjustment method: The first, it only needs tracking the arctic star in observation.This is very convenient for the observation and operation. The direction of the apparatus pole deviated from the celectial pole can be taken out exactly and there is no needd to look for the star on the easterm hemisphere near horizon or on the culmination of celectial sphere to find out the deviation component of the E—W direction and the ccp—down direction between the celestial pole and the apparatus pole, The second, the apparatus pole can also be adjusted accuratly to an approximate coincidence with the celectial pole.It is proved in practice that the adjustment method is not only proper but also simple and convenient for operation.
Chinese Journal of Radio Science