
谐振-传输线复合结构左手材料设计 被引量:2

The design of a left-handed material structure with resonance and transmission line
摘要 提出了一种谐振-传输线复合结构左手材料单元.该结构基于谐振型左手材料、复合左右手传输线理论设计,可在不同排列方式下产生多种左手特性.基于曙光云计算服务平台,分析了该材料单元结构的谐振特性、单元阵列的传输线特性,并进一步对其谐振特性中的负折射特性进行了仿真验证.实验表明:单一结构单元条件下,该结构可体现出由谐振特性产生的左手频带;在阵列条件下,可同时体现出左右手传输线特性以及谐振型左手特性.该结构的多种左手特性,或可在5.8GHz频率范围内民用级微波器件领域获得广泛应用. A left-handed material structure with resonance and transmission line characteristic was presented.The structure is designed on the basis of the resonant-type lefthanded material theory and the composite right/left hand transmission line theory.This article analyzes the resonance characteristics of the unit structure and the transmission line characteristics of the cell array,and the negative refraction of the resonant characteristics have also been verified by simulation based on the Dawning cloud computing service platform.Experiment results show that the resonant left-hand-band characteristics appears under the conditions of a single structural unit,the composite right/left hand transmission line characteristics and the resonant left-handed characteristics appears under the conditions of cell array.The structure can be applied in the 5.8GHz commercial microwave devices extensively because of the multi-band left-handed characteristic.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期981-987,共7页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 2012年国家发改委无锡城市云计算中心扩容及应用示范项目
关键词 谐振特性 传输线特性 左手材料 云计算应用 resonance characteristic transmission line characteristic left-handed metamaterial cloud computing application
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