文章以中山市坦洲镇为例 ,对坦洲镇人口发展规模与社会管理发展规划 ,教育、文化、体育、科技发展规划 ,医疗卫生、社会福利保障发展规划等进行了探讨 .指出沿海发达地区小城镇未来发展的重点应逐步转向社会发展系统 ,以提高居民“生活质量”为代表的教育、文化、医疗保健、环保。
As the developing focal point in the future of small towns along the coast area will shift step by step to the social developing system,Education,culture,medical health care,environmental protection, and social welfare for promoting residents' "living quality and quantity" will be emphasized. The developing scale of population and social management development plans, education,culture,physical education,technology development plans, medical treatment and sanitation ,and social welfare guarantee development plans for Tanzhou town of Zhongshan city are discussed in detail.
Journal of Hainan Normal University:Natural Science