介绍了利用东芝TMP87PH4 6N单片机实现分体壁挂式空调控制器的设计方案 .简述了分体壁挂式空调器的基本工作原理 ;分析了利用TMP87PH4 6N实现控制器的主要控制电路 :红外遥控、红外接收电路 ,步进电机驱动电路 ,PG电机控制电路 ,温度采样电路 ,压缩机、外风机、换向阀等驱动电路 ,显示电路 ,电源电路等 .阐述了控制器的主要功能 :制热、除湿、通风、自动运行、定时运行、自动除霜、睡眠等 .
The article introduces the plan of fission air single chip computer, including the brief of the fundamental of fission air conditioner, and the analyze of the main controller circuit with TMP87PH46N: infrared remote control,infrared receive, stepping motor drive,indoor PG motor control, temperature sampling, compressor and outdoor motor and reversing valve control, display, power, etc.. The main function of the controller: make heat, make cool, dehumidify, rotation fan, auto run, timing run,auto defrost,sleeping run and so on is also presented.
Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition)